What is a Mock Scrape?
What is a Mock Scrape?
A mock scrape is simply a reproduction of a natural scrape made by deer. Most hunters make them to hang a trail camera or to hunt over. You simply create one by scraping a spot on the ground about 2.5 feet by 2.5 feet in size. Add your favorite scent, hang your camera or set up your stand nearby.
When should you make a mock scrape?
Many people think only bucks make scrapes and that they only make them leading up to the rut. This is untrue. Deer utilize scrapes all year long, although for different reasons at different times.
Where is the best place to put a mock scrape?
The best place to make mock scrapes are where buck trails join doe trails as they head from bedding to a food source. Patches of high ground with cover near these staging areas are excellent.
Does peeing in a mock scrape work?
Some hunters report some success urinating in their own mock scrapes. Deer can be curious and will examine this, but often only under the cover of darkness. However, deer do have receptors for some chemicals found in predator urine, including human pee. While they may explore it, especially younger deer, older deer do know it is human urine and are likely to vacate the area. Best not to risk it and instead use a great synthetic product like Lucky 7 MAXX’D OUT! Mock Scrape Spray.
What is the best scent to put in a mock scrape?
The best scent to use is one that specifically uses buck and/ or doe urine along with tarsal gland secretions, like our Lucky 7 Synthescent Buck In Rut MAX. The mock scrape scent mentioned above is also excellent and there is also a rut version. Our scents are specifically made to attract deer through biological means like perfected gland formulations and pheromones. They are not simply “pee perfumes”. There is also a revolutionary new product available, Lucky 7 Mock Scrape Magic. It is a convenient and effective powder. It is 100% scent, not pee soaked talcum or other poor attempt at such a scent.
What is a deer licking branch?
A licking branch is generally a branch that overhangs the deer’s scrape. Deer use this branch by rubbing their face and antlers on it, depositing secretions from the forehead and preorbital glands on it. They will often lick or nibble on the branch as well, leaving some saliva. They use these scents to communicate with each other. For mock scrapes, you can either choose a mock scrape site under an existing branch, use a product that allows you to place an artificial branch there, or hang a rope or vine from a tree as a licking branch. Find a solution you like and use it. The licking branch is often more important that the scrape itself.
How high should a licking branch be?
I prefer to keep the branches low, only 3 to 4 feet off the ground as deer are fairly short. However, higher will work as deer have no issue reaching up to a higher branch, often getting on only their hind legs to do so.
What scent should you use on a licking branch?
The best scent to use on a licking branch is a synthetic licking branch scent. The best on the market is Lucky 7 Synthescent Preorbital – Licking Branch GEL. It has the right odor, taste and pH to fool deer into thinking it is the real thing. Alternatively, if using a mock scrape making type product, just a touch of that spray on the licking branch may be adequate.
How often do deer check their scrapes?
During the largest portion of the year, deer will visit scrapes anywhere from once a week to twice a day, depending on the location of the scrape. During the rut, bucks have been known to visit their primary rut scrapes 6 to 12 times an hour in total while cruising, although this may consist of a good number of different individual scrapes in several locations.
Are there different types of scrapes?
Deer make different scrapes for different reasons. Some are made by mature bucks, others are used by does and fawns as well.
Bucks make boundary scrapes. These lie at the outreaches of their territory. They are often found along the edges of crop fields in open areas and are generally visited mostly at night. They can be good for learning how and when a trophy buck travels. They appear as the rut approaches.
Random scrapes are also made by bucks. They tend to be in areas bucks don’t visit often and are created usually in an offhand, incidental manner. For instance, when you are heading into the rut, acorns often start to fall. That is the only reason the buck heads there, to take advantage of the food source. Another buck’s presence may agitate him and he will create a scrape. He is unlikely to visit it again, especially after the acorns are gone.
These are the main scrapes made by rutting bucks. They appear mostly in the 2 weeks leading up to the main rut. They are often found along areas that bucks and does meet up, like downwind of doe bedding areas. Staging areas near food are also good locations to find these scrapes and a great place to make a mock scrape. These are great for hunting over if you see a mature buck sized track in them. He is likely to check in often and will respond to a fantastic synthetic rut scent like Lucky 7 “The Juice”.
Community scrapes are made and used by bucks, does and fawns (after only a couple days of being born). They are utilized all year long and act as communication hubs for the local deer population. Licking branches are extremely important to these scrapes. When they work the branch and rub urinate in these community scrapes (depositing tarsal gland secretions), they relay quite a bit of information to each other, such as health and social status. Bucks will also use them heavily during the rut. If you know where the bedded bucks and does meet up before heading to their food sources, this is a great spot to create a mock scrape. Especially if there is good cover. Hanging a trail cam here all year will result in a constant flow of pictures. Some will be dominated by does, others by bachelor bucks. Watching both with a camera can be load of fun and help you catalog your herd.
I hope this helps you understand mock scrapes. If you are not using them now, you truly should be. They can be an very effective tool for your deer hunting arsenal.