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Facebook Page: Lucky 7 Scents

This is the Facebook page where we stick to topics strictly concerning our scents.

Facebook Group: Deer Scents and Mock Scrapes 101

Our Facebook group where we discuss both deer scent usage and creating mock scrapes.


Want a place to discuss all things bowhunting and share with others? Check us out!

Facebook Group: Wisconsin Bowhunters

Great place to discuss Wisconsin bowhunting and share with others. Please visit us.

Facebook Group: Wisconsin Rut Reports

Looking for the WI Rut status or tips for hunting the rut? This is the group.

Facebook Group: Louisiana Deer Hunters

Deer hunting topics for the entire state of Louisiana. Come share with us!

Facebook Group: Louisiana Deer Hunters Area 4

Deer hunting topics for Area 4 of Louisiana. See you there.

Facebook Group: Michigan Bowhunters

Bowhunting in Michigan. Let’s talk about it and share.

Facebook Group: Minnesota Bowhunters

Minnesota Bowhunter come join us here. All things MN Bowhunting.

Facebook Group: Tennessee Deer Hunters

Deer hunting topics for the entire state of Tennessee. We look forward to talking.

Facebook Group: Alabama Deer Hunters

All things Alabama deer hunting. You live in Alabama, this is the group for you.

Heroes Hunt For Veterans

Helping Disabled Vets Enjoy the Outdoors

Bucks of America Podcast

Great Deer Hunting Spotify Podcast. Welcome to our outdoor podcast.