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NEW! Lucky 7 – Synthescent Preorbital – Licking Branch GEL

It has arrived! Out third addition to the synthetic line up. It is our Lucky 7 Synthescent Preorbital – Licking Branch GEL. We have been testing it out at our property and the deer have shown phenomenal responses to it. It attracts deer wherever we put in, but when put in a travel route on the right height vertical branch, deer visit it all the time.

There is also an added bonus… the deer keep it active so reapplication needs are low.

We also used it last year on some branches over mock scrapes using Lucky 7 Synthecents – Doe-In-Heat PLUS and Buck-In-Rut MAX. Together, these made the hottest mock scrapes I have ever witnessed, both for us and prostaff. Bucks tore them up, ran their antlers through the overhead branches with the Gel and visited time and time again. They were MORE active than the real scrapes.

Used together, out three synthetic deer scents really optimize your hunt. They bring in deer. A lot of deer.

Legal in all 50 states as they contain no urine or animal byproducts.

Check them out at our store… http://store.nelsoncreekoutdoors.com
