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What is the Best Deer Scent Attractant for Mature Whitetail Bucks? Lucky 7 “The Juice”

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When I get asked what scent I would use to attract the largest mature deer in the area, the answer is always the same. The best scent for 4.5 year old and older bucks is Lucky 7 “The Juice”.

hi Brian here with Nelson Creek Outdoors, Lucky 7 Scents and Buck It bulk scents. As a scent and attractant manufacturer I get asked similar questions a lot and one of the questions I get asked a lot is “what is the best attractant for white tail deer”? Now that becomes a difficult question to answer. It depends on what deer you’re trying to go after, when you’re trying to go after them, how you’re trying to go after them, what you’re using. Are you using deer scents? Are you using food-based attractants? If you even look at our lineup at Lucky 7 scents starts off with, well we had real urine at one time and then we went switched to synthetic urines and then we also do food-based attractants and cover scents that are based off food so it becomes a very difficult question to answer if you don’t narrow it down a little bit and when I get people to narrow it down a little bit we always get to the real question they really wanted to ask in the first place and that question is generally “what is the best attractant for large mature white tail bucks. That becomes a much easier question to answer. First, those bucks are almost always hunted during the rut. Lots of people look to hunt them during the rut because they become more careless during the rut. They’re not as careful. They’re not as wary and that’s because they’re busy trying to breed does. Chase does. Locate does and finding other bucks in their territory. Taking care of running them off. They are very busy doing a lot of things and they become more careless and easier to target. So when I get asked “what is the best attractant to bring in large mature, you know, four and a half year old and older bucks, white tail bucks, that becomes a much simpler answer. The answer is Lucky 7 “The Juice”.

Now let me explain why. First the scent starts off with peak doe estrus urine in a synthetic version that replicates a doe at the peak of her estrus cycle, ready to breed and it also includes the estrus pheromone. That pheromone is what attracts the buck and lets him know that she is ready to breed. He chemically detects that estrus pheromone, makes him want to breed that doe, makes him know that she’s ready for him and he pursues her and tries to breed that doe. Now the scent also includes a buck challenge scent. It’s basically the synthetic version of the vaginal discharge of a doe that’s already actively breeding bucks. So it contains a semen component that the buck can smell and they think that this doe has already been breeding rival bucks. Now it also contains buck tarsal and the buck tarsal pheromone. There are two pheromones in the scent. The combination of them delivers a one two punch of breeding and challenge response from other bucks. So with this scent as soon as the buck smells it he gets both interested in breeding this doe and angry at the same time because another buck is in his territory breeding her. Why is that important? Well, even the buck instinctively knows that every time a doe breeds, probably one of her fawns is fathered. Now she might have one only and there’s only be one father. In his case he out of luck… That’d make you angry wouldn’t it guys? And you know so he’s he’s out of luck then but on hose that have two or three fawns, he still has a chance to father one or two of her fawn or maybe all of them if the other buck, you know. wasn’t able to impregnate her. But he knows there’s another buck trying and time is limited. He has to get to her before she’s pregnant with, you know, two or three fawns and he has no longer any opportunity to pass on his genes. That makes him angry so he smells this, knows there’s an actively breeding doe in the area and bucks breeding her. He becomes very urgent in his need to breed her and angry at the other bucks and that’s why this scent is so effective. No one else in the market does it. Nobody else on the market can do it. We are the only ones doing it. Again, I’ve asked other scent companies, the bulk scent company stuff, I’ve asked them and I have the emails from them, stuff you know, do you have pheromones and other items I’ve asked them in their scents and the answer has always been “No”! So I’m going to take their word for it and say they don’t have it. We do and that’s what makes this scent so effective. So next season if you want to get a mature buck… now I’m saying this is not the best scent for little bucks. Now they aren’t going to necessarily run off and head for the hills right away, but if a little buck comes across the scent and thinks there’s a doe being bred by a big buck, especially if he has recently experienced being run off by another buck, he might get a little shy on this one and he’ll leave the area because he doesn’t like the challenge response to it. If you want to shoot the smaller bucks, no, this this scent probably isn’t for you. This isn’t the best one. I would go to something like our Advanced Synthetic Scent, A.S.S. or ass. That one does not have the buck challenge portion of the scent. only “The Juice” does. Like I said, we’re the only ones that can do it. If other people could do it they’d tell you they could do it, but they can’t. So if you want the best deer scent attractant next year, or yet this year in the south in some areas, the best you can buy is Lucky 7 “The Juice”. Make them think there’s a doe around, rile them up that way and also make them think there’s a rival buck around and rile them up twice as bad. You’ll get noses in the air coming in responses. We’ve had so many reports for this scent. This scent has been so effective for people that have used it/ They’re constantly telling us about how they come in on a rope, head up trying to find out what the heck, you know, what buck is breeding their doe in their territory and they don’t like it. All right, again friends, best scent for large white tail bucks, Lucky 7 “The Juice”. Thanks a lot, you have a great hunt!
