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Lucky 7 Synthescent Buck In Rut MAX – Buck Urine & Tarsal

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Hello there hunters and huntresses Brian here with Nelson Creek Outdoors, Lucky 7 Scents and Buck It bulk scents. Continuing on in our series about some of our deer scents, again we’re going to a classic. Made in 2013, started selling in about 2014, we’re talking about here Lucky 7 Synthescent Buck In Rut MAX. Now this has been updated once since then and I’ll tell you about that in this video. So what is it? Again, pretty easy to see from the label it’s a synthetic representation of buck urine. What is the Max? It is maximum tarsal, as you would see during the rut. Now don’t get me wrong tarsal glands work on both bucks and does and they use them all year round to communicate. They will do a rub urinate action in the spring in a community scrape to talk to each other, communicate with each other. This scent can be used then, too. It’s not only a rut scent, it’s heavy tarsal to be great during the rut, but it also works very well in the spring so you can make, in fact I make about half my mock scrapes with this. I make the other half of my mock scrapes with Mock Scrape Magic, the powder because it’s so convenient. I mean that powder if you spill it on you, you can just brush it off and it’s not going to stink. This, you spill on you, you’re going to stink. In fact, just imagine like this sitting on your truck seat and your kid climbs in and steps on the bottle and it soaks in… BRADLY!! It’s happened, it actually happened to someone so it can happen.  So that’s kind of one of the things like the powder is convenient but I do really love this scent in its liquid form. I use it like said about half the time in my mock scrapes. Now I talk about it I use it during spring and I’ll spray it right in there, use my preorbital gel over on a licking branch over top of it and have a community scrape and catalog my deer and make sure I’m attracting deer to the area all year out. But it’s also great during the rut with that maximum tarsal. Now, as I said, we did update this scent. What was updated, we added tarsal pheromone. In about 2018, 2019 I figured out what the tarsal of pheromone was after doing some research and some experimentation and we got the bucks to reactm, and the does will react to that tarsal pheromone, uh, with Rub urinate actions. That’s what it does it triggers them to communicate and um it does do that um so that’s in there, too and that’s and like I said we like to update our scents. We don’t sit back and sell you the same things for 100 years. If we can do it better we’ll update the scents and that’s what we did in this, we updated it with the tarsal pheromone. Now, as I said, I use this during the rut. I’ll use it as a cover scent you can use it on your boots  little bit and I’ll use it, I’ll spray it directly in a mock scrape. I will do that and it will be there you know 24/7 once it’s in the scrape. During the rut I do also like to use an estrus scent, but I, don’t leave estrus scents there. I like the, most of the time, I like to put them on a wick, hang them over the mock scrape with this in it and then take the rut, the estrus scent in and out with me and that creates a challenge scent. Like this, you know, during the rut in the ground it’ll make the buck think there’s an interloper into his territory and he’ll cruise around looking for that guy and he’ll keep checking that scrape to see if he keeps marking it. You spray this every time you hunt in there and keep marking like a buck continuing to mark it. He’ll believe that and he’ll go looking for that then when you’re in the stand if he smells that doe estrus that encourages daylight visits. I don’t like to put the estrus in there because then they can check it out at night so I put this in the scrape hang the wick with the doe over it. Another scent that does very well like that, has a buck challenge with semen and other and vaginal discharge and all kinds of stuff that’s our “The Juice” formula that we’ve talked about that’s the the best estrus rut scent ever made by far um but sometimes the simpler you know is something that you want to use and this one is great for that. It really is um use it all year round don’t be afraid and again don’t think you’re going to use too much. You hear that “the deer blew at my deer scent I sold you because you used too much. I mean sometimes deer, does, will get a little shy of a of a doe estrus scent when they’re not in estrus yet because they don’t want to get picked on by a cuck as I’ve mentioned before. Um, sometimes bucks will get a little shy of a true challenge scent like The Juice.” They’re not going to blow at you and run away because they know what it is they’re just going to slide on out of there um that whole there’s something wrong with the scent if deer blow at it so don’t  buy into the too much thing. Think about how much scent is in a bedding area, feeding area. There’s a lot, so um  your scent shouldn’t scare your deer. But that’s it here Lucky Seven synthescent Buck in Rut MAX, definitely one that should be in your toolkit. And one last thing here is we’re making Facebook groups where we can enjoy um talking without the the Bubba marketers pushing weird cheap junk at us and without the, I know, sometimes the nastiness that gets along with people. You know for instance with scents, soon as you mention a post of scent um and most of the Facebook groups I got to turn off posting because all you get is “all urine’s the same, it all turns to ammonia in 20 minutes, oh deer scents don’t work…”, who wants to argue with these goofs? You know so um what we’re doing is we having a little bit better time uh with some better groups um better Administration, keep the goofs out. You hit them hard in the beginning and and they disappear and that’s what we’re trying to do. Want to see those groups? Go to our NelsonCreekOutdoors.com site, go to More Links in the right hand column or if you’re on a phone you go on the phone, you’ve got slide to the bottom look for more links and there are all the Facebook groups that we participate in that are moderated very well. Check them out and come give us a like on them and give us a like on our Nelson Creek Outdoors page. Um, every little bit helps and we appreciate it! All right, thank you for watching. Brian here, with Lucky 7 Scents, Nelson Creek Outdoors and Buck It bulk scents. Hope you enjoyed this video on Lucky 7 Synthescent Buck in Rut MAX. You have a good one!

